Baby A was born July 31, 2013 at 8:18 am via C-Section. He was 8 pounds, 8 ounces and 20.5" long. It was a planned section, but it doesn't make the experience of going to the hospital to have a baby any less nerve-racking. Everything went great and wouldn't change it for anything. I think I am ok with not ever feeling a contraction. Sorry to those that had a lot of them. I'm sure you are envious of me, but I am envious of you!
Well, in the past 3 months he has more than doubled his weight!! This boy likes to eat and isn't afraid to show it. He has brightened our world and, as of now, has completed our family. He is one amazing boy.
He hasn't slept in his gorgeous room yet (See but he will someday! ;)
The past 3 months have been a learning experience and I'm sure we are in for a lot more!
The first major hump was breastfeeding. It sucked for the first 10 (TEN!!) weeks. My doctor was absolutely no help. I blame it on him being a man and never experiencing it before... maybe?? That's a long time to be in pain when I didn't need to be. I learned that I should have asked for help from La Leche League a lot sooner. I don't know why I waited so long. It turns out that I had thrush. Austin didn't. Once I started to treat the thrush with yeast cream and taking acidophilus tablets that I picked up from Trader Joes, I was pain free within 4 days!!
6 days old - love the squishy face!
Photo by Laura Fiore Photography
2.5 months old (taken by me)
He hasn't slept in his gorgeous room yet (See but he will someday! ;)
The past 3 months have been a learning experience and I'm sure we are in for a lot more!
The first major hump was breastfeeding. It sucked for the first 10 (TEN!!) weeks. My doctor was absolutely no help. I blame it on him being a man and never experiencing it before... maybe?? That's a long time to be in pain when I didn't need to be. I learned that I should have asked for help from La Leche League a lot sooner. I don't know why I waited so long. It turns out that I had thrush. Austin didn't. Once I started to treat the thrush with yeast cream and taking acidophilus tablets that I picked up from Trader Joes, I was pain free within 4 days!!
Something else I learned about myself is that I'm all about nursing Austin anytime, any where. I feel empowered to do so too. There are so many stories of people receiving negative feedback from people when they nurse in public, but I haven't gotten that yet. I don't know why nursing has become so negative for some people. It's natural and it needs to be normalized again. I think my friends and family have realized that I don't care who is in the room, I will breastfeed if Austin wants to eat.
I have also started using cloth diapers. I am still using about 2-3 disposable diapers a day (usually at night). As soon as I figure out a nighttime leak free system, I will cloth diaper at night too. Washing has not been inconvenient, but I do need more diapers so that I can wash every other day. As of right now, I'm washing daily. Since cloth diapers are working out, it's only natural that we use cloth wipes too. I am going to make those today along with a cleaning solution. I will post my cloth diaper information as soon as I find what works for me.
Lastly, I have learned that sleep is overrated. I love spending time with my son. I don't care if it's at 2 pm or 2 am. His early morning feedings won't last forever so I will make the most out of them.
Next post will be about my experience with cloth diapers! Hopefully the post after that will be our bedroom update!
I will leave you with a photo of my beautiful family.
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