Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dining/Living Room: Before and After

My intention was to post a lot more often than once every three months!  With everything that we have going on with the house, my internship, work, and a family it didn't seem to be doable at the time.  Now that things are starting to calm down, I am hoping to post on a more regular basis.

I will first start with what we did from the beginning until where we are at today.  I will post each room one at a time.

First, I'll start with the living room and dining room.  All of the pictures are from my cell phone, so I'm sorry for the quality.  One of these days I'll get a nice camera.

These two rooms had dark red walls and a deep yellow ceiling.  Aweful.  I'm not sure what in the world they were thinking.  See it for yourself.

Apparently they made one wall darker for an "accent" wall..

We decided to go with colors that are a little more -- relaxing.  The ceilings are awesome.  They have rounded edges and molding on the ceiling, plus "crown" molding.  We picked white for the ceiling to the "crown molding," but a dark grey for the ceiling molding that matches the accent wall.  The walls are a lighter grey with a darker grey accent wall in the dining room.

We started with the middle of the ceiling and the molding first.

We have replaced the old curtains they had in the big front window with newer, more modern ones.  I will have to take updated pictures with the decorations we have put in the rooms since it has been painted. I will post those soon.

This is the darker grey accent wall in the dining room.   We also took down the ceiling fan and added a crystal chandelier.  (Plus a whole lot more...)

I can't wait to show you more!!  The "after" pictures with decor are amazing.  I love my living room and dining room now!!

- Sarah

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